CCREATE-AGE University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships (UoADS)

Apply by : 1 JUNE 2025: Enrol by: 1 SEPTEMBER or 1 DECEMBER 

The Centre for Co-Created Ageing Research (CCREATE-AGE) addresses research questions that are informed by communities, to co-create innovative and robust research that delivers practical solutions that work in the real world, in the communities they were designed for and with.

Two University of Auckland Doctoral Scholarships will provide support to PhD candidates that wish to undertake co-created ageing research spanning more than one discipline and aligned to one or more of the three research themes and three cross cutting themes: research that will meet the self-identified needs and aspirations of older people, researchers, stakeholders and funders.

If you are wanting to apply under CCREATE-AGE, please contact Tamika at email

Selection criteria

In addition to meeting the Doctoral Entry Requirements, potential Candidates will be selected based on the extent to which their statement of research intent describes

  • Co-created research: actively involving older people
  • Transdisciplinary research:  spanning more than one discipline and aligned to one or more of research themes
  • Research that embeds equity, diversity or inclusion

We aim to support at least one scholarship per year from Māori or Pacific applicants to reflect our strategic goal to encourage the growth of Indigenous knowledge and research capacity.

We will prioritise applicants who

  • are already engaged with the communities that they propose to work with


  • have experience in co-creation or community-based work

The Strategic Management Team for CCREATE-AGE comprises representatives from all faculties in the University of Auckland (Medical and Health Sciences, Science, Engineering, Arts, Creative Arts and Industries, Education and Social Work, Law, Business School, Liggins Institute and Auckland Bioengineering Institute) and representatives of business and industry; government and public sector; and civil society. We strongly encourage PhD candidates to contact CCREATE-AGE so that the Strategic Management Team can facilitate the identification of a potential transdisciplinary supervisory team to support the candidate to write a Statement of Research Intent, on occasions when the PhD candidate has not already identified potential supervisors.

You can download the CCREATE-AGE Statement of Research Intent (SRI) template which here: [hyperlink]

The Strategic Management Team will rank statements of research intent based on the quality of the applications and the criteria above.

Successful PhD scholars will join a vibrant community of co-creators and will be supported in a safe and innovative place to learn. Your research will have an influential impact on health, environment, society and science.