And alignment with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals : THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development

Health and Wellbeing

(Sustainable Development Goal 3)

We want to ensure healthy ageing and promote wellbeing in later life. To look at how health and social care services in community and residential care can be improved or redesigned to provide a better quality of life for older people, their whānau, family, and caregivers.

Place and Community

(Sustainable Development Goal 11)

Age-friendly and dementia supportive places. This is about creating inclusive, safe, and resilient accommodation options, improving the fit between older people’s needs and the environments in which they live.

Work, Income and Retirement

(Sustainable Development Goals 1, 4 and 5)

Age-friendly workplaces and retirement. To develop opportunities for older people to contribute their knowledge and experience in the workplace and through retirement.